Become an Intern
Bolton Refuge House, Inc. offers a variety of internships for individuals looking to gain valuable knowledge of the non-profit domestic violence/sexual assault services field. There are three internship sessions each year: Spring (January-May), Summer (May-August), and Fall (September-December) and concurrent internships are also available (summer/fall, fall/spring, spring/summer) Scroll down to learn more about the internship program and how to apply. If you have questions, Email the BRH Volunteer Coordinator for more information!
Before beginning your application, please ensure you have the following information:
Know which internship position(s) you are applying for (see descriptions below)
Have your Cover Letter/Letter of Interest (saved in PDF format not larger than 10MB)
Prepare your Resume (saved in PDF format not larger than 10MB)
The names, emails, and phone numbers of three individuals who are willing to attest to your professional capabilities (preferably employers/professors. Do not include personal references)
When you have all your information ready to go, click the button below to begin your application
​Application Due Dates
Spring sessions: October 31
Summer sessions: March 31
Fall sessions: April 30
Current Internship Offerings
Victim Services Internship:
(including internships for Human Services fields for academic credit)
Victim Services Interns learn about the different aspects of direct services to clients who have been affected by domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking. Interns work closely with victim advocates on staff and will work directly with clients to assess needs, make referrals, and provide support. Each internship is different and there is no “typical day” as each individual client’s needs are what drive BRH services.
Administrative Professional Internship:
Administrative Professional Interns gain experience in a variety of areas based on agency activities and may include compiling committee packets, taking and producing meeting minutes and agendas, conducting training sessions, setting up meeting times, data entry, and event planning along with other possible opportunities as they arise.
Community Relations Internship:
Community Relations Interns work to provide education to the Eau Claire Community about the dynamics of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Stalking as well as the services that Bolton Refuge House, Inc., provides to victims of these crimes. Interns attend community events, speaking engagements, and meetings upon request and will solicit speaking engagements with appropriate entities in order to establish/maintain relationships within the community.
Business Management Internship:
Business Management Intern will assist our Executive Director with grant writing, submitting reports, revising policies/procedures, organizing meetings and attend training/speaking engagements in order to establish/maintain relationships within the community, as well as other tasks as available/needed.
Marketing Internship:
Marketing Interns will work to plan, promote, and execute awareness events within the community. Intern will create/maintain partnerships with businesses and other agencies to better serve our clients, as well as update/develop and distribute public education materials to the community.
Other Internships:
Because of the flexible programming at BRH, other internships can be developed. If you have specific needs for your internship and would like to work with someone to discuss a possible internship, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@boltonrefuge.org