Federal Work Study Placement
Bolton Refuge House, Inc. serves as a placement site thought the Federal Work Study Program for several institutions of higher learning. Through this placement, students are employed through their university or college, but serve their community via placement at BRH. This placement is mutually beneficial as students are able to gain experience in their field of study while helping BRH fulfill program needs. Work study students gain valuable knowledge of the non-profit domestic violence/sexual assault services field, are able to apply knowledge from their course work, and earn money to pay for college.
Scroll down to learn more about the work study placements available and to apply. If you have questions, email the BRH Volunteer Coordinator for more information!
​Before beginning your application, please ensure you have the following information:
Know which Work-Study placement opportunity you are applying for (see descriptions below)
Prepare your Cover Letter/Letter of Interest (saved in PDF format not larger than 10MB)
Prepare your Resume (saved in PDF format not larger than 10MB)
Ask for the names, emails, and phone numbers of three individuals who are willing to attest to your professional capabilities (preferably employers/professors. Do not include personal references)
When you have all your information ready to go, click the button below to begin your application
Placement Opportunities
Victim Advocate
Victim Advocates learn about the different aspects of direct services to clients who have been affected by domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking. Advocates will work directly with clients to assess needs, make referrals, and provide support as well as maintaining the facility, answering crisis phone calls, and ensuring that the shelter is a safe and secure environment at all times. Working as a Victim Advocate is very challenging and there is no “typical day” as each individual client’s needs are what drive BRH services. This position is considered a para-professional placement for all individuals who are enrolled in a human services related program.
Limited English Proficiency Advocate (Spanish and/or Hmong)
LEP Advocates work in the same capacity as the Victim Advocate Placement, but with the added aspects of working with individuals who have Limited English Proficiency. LEP Advocates also assist with translating materials, social media posts, and mirroring the BRH website to be accessible to all individuals. This position is considered a para-professional placement for all individuals who are enrolled in a human services and/or language related program.
Youth & Family Interactions Assistant
Placement in the Youth & Family Interactions Program includes a variety of activities centered around the well-being of children, youth, and teens who are participating in BRH Programs. Y&F Assistants engage youth during children's support group, offer mentoring to school-age children and teenagers, work with families to provide positive interactions between parents and their children, and work along side of the Youth & Family Interactions Advocate on other activities and events throughout the community. This position is considered a para-professional placement for all individuals who are enrolled in a human services and/or childcare related program.
Community Relations (Including Marketing):
The Community Relations placement works to provide education to the Eau Claire, Jackson, and/or Buffalo County Communities about the dynamics of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Stalking as well as the services that Bolton Refuge House, Inc., provides to victims of these crimes. This work is completed through community events, speaking engagements, social media, and in-person meetings. This position will also work to plan, promote, and execute awareness events within the community, create/maintain partnerships with businesses and other agencies to better serve BRH clients, and update existing and develop new public education materials and distributing materials to the community. This position is considered a para-professional placement for all individuals who are enrolled in a education, human services, marketing, public relations, and/or communications related program.
Graphic Design:
Students with Graphic Design Placement work to design posters, brochures, informational display boards, and update existing and develop new public education materials to promote BRH services. The student(s) placed in this area will also assist in updating social media and with website design and updates. This position is considered a para-professional placement for all individuals who are enrolled in a graphic design or other art related program.
Individuals placed in the maintenance program work to maintain BRH facilities and vehicles to ensure a safe, secure, and welcoming environment at all times. Duties include: lawn and garden maintenance, painting, light carpentry, assisting with donations from the community, maintaining an organized work space, and completing other tasks as needed and based on ability. This position is considered a para-professional placement for all individuals who are enrolled in a HVAC, plumbing, electrician, auto mechanic, landscape management, or other related program and an entry-level placement for all other individuals.