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Support Groups

Bolton Refuge House support groups are a great way to connect and learn. One of the most important benefits of participating in a support group is a decreased sense of isolation - a feeling experienced by many who have suffered trauma. In group, feelings are expressed, validated by others, and accepted as normal. Participants learn to regain previous levels of coping or develop more effective coping skills. This newfound emotional strength helps the participant to better address other life issues.


Because our support group offerings/availability varies, please contact us via email or phone to find our more. For updates, follow us on Facebook!


PO Box 482

Eau Claire, WI 54702-0482

See our Contact Page for more information about sending mail to our facility.


Eau Claire Co: 715.834.9578

Jackson Co: 715.333.2350

Buffalo Co: 715.834.9578

Fax: 715.834.9634


Bolton Refuge House, Inc is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit. Please contact us with any questions or for more information.

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Thank you for your email, someone will get back to you shortly. If you are in need of immediate assistance, please contact 715.834.9578 and an advocate will assist you.

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